
Review: Stitches : a handbook on meaning, hope, and repair

Stitches : a handbook on meaning, hope, and repair
Stitches : a handbook on meaning, hope, and repair by Anne Lamott

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As with most of Anne Lamott's non-fiction, this is a wonderful, comforting read, even if you aren't much for the God-stuff. This particular slim offering is full of warming stories about how communities like Newtown can mend in the wake of inexplicable tragedies that seem to be the face of evil in the world. As with much of Lamott's work, the answer has to do with faith in something larger and the bonds shared between individuals.

It's faith, but it's the kind of faith that rolls up its sleeves, brings a casserole, and offers a little free babysitting when necessary.

2014 goal: 2/75

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Review: The Shining Girls

The Shining Girls
The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm wavering between a four and a three on this one. I really liked the protagonist, and the idea was out of this world for originality. On the other hand, the antagonist was sort of flat in his misogyny and his murderous motivations, so I found his sections a lot less interesting than the rest of the book. It's an interesting period piece in places, and the author's decision to root the 'modern' part of the story in 1993 instead of today removes the complication many thrillers have that everyone has a cell phone these days.

2014 goal: 1/75

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