
Book Reviews and some random thoughts about life and Livejournal.

Irked to find that my book reviews at Goodreads aren't propagating over here as promised.  Now, I'll end up trying not to care, then wrestling with it for hours when I should be doing something else more productive.

I'm still job-hunting and working as one of those under-employed people you hear about on the news if you watch MSNBC.  I think the worst part of a job like that is how unchallenging it is, inherently, and yet so very draining. Sometimes I come home and I feel like I'll never have a single intelligent thought ever again because I'm so numb from a day at Major Box Retailer.

I miss LiveJournal. At it's heyday, it was a really good platform for amateur blogging, and some of the friends I made there are with me still, on Facebook/Twitter/elsewhere, but it's just not quite the same as refreshing my Livejournal feed.

Break over. Time to be actually productive for a bit.

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